Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is. You don’t have to belive us, just check external security check by VirusTotal.comclick here. We’ve got +27 community score and 0/65 malwares what says that using our website is totally safe.

We’ve also received AdGuard.com report about our website – it’s safe to use, click here to check their recommendation.

It’s simple. Just choose on our website which case do you want to open. You can open each case how many times do you want. After every spin you can make two choices – take won skin or try to spin again and win better skin. Remember! You can’t get back this skin which you skipped! If you want to withdraw skin you have to complete 1 verification task. If you completed verification correctly you will recieve trade offer in 3-5 minutes.

After click button “YES, SEND ME TRADE OFFER WITH THIS SKIN” you should see list with 1-3 verification tasks. Choose one of them and follow instructions inside. You have to complete 1 verification task!

If you don’t see any verification task and you are using PC, please use your mobile phone. If you are using your phone, try to complete task using your PC.

We want to remove from our website bots which were abusing our servies and withdrawing a lot of free skins.

Follow instruction below to find issue:

If you used your PC (deskopt) to get your free CS:GO skin:

  1. Open our website using your mobile phone
  2. Choose again your skin, put trade URL
  3. Complete mobile verification – enter your email, verify phone number with sms code etc.

If you used your mobile phone to get your free CS:GO skin:

  1. Open our website using your PC (deskopt)
  2. Choose again your skin, put trade URL
  3. Complete verification – download application, enter your email, verify phone number with sms code etc.

You can also try to complete verification again using another device – if you used PC (deskopt), try on mobile phone. If you used mobile phone, try use your PC (deskopt).

REMEMBER! You have to complete 1 verification task!